Isu - News - Courses for Russian Language Teachers from Mongolia Courses for Russian Language Teachers from Mongolia
Courses for Russian Language Teachers from Mongolia
29 July 2016
Mongolian teachers

July 29th

On July 20-26 ISU organized specialized courses for Russian language and literature teachers working for Mongolian secondary schools. The courses were conducted under the grant support of the “Russian World” Foundation (the Russkiy Mir Foundation).

59 teachers from Mongolia under the supervision of ISU lecturers discussed the teaching methods and visited lessons in schools of Irkutsk.

The certificate-awarding ceremony took place at the Pedagogical Institute of ISU on July 26th. At the closing ceremony the Vice-rector for research and international cooperation of ISU Alexander Schmidt, the Dean of the faculty of Humanities and Arts Nikolai Kutishev and the Consul General of Mongolia in Irkutsk Mr. Bold delivered their speeches. In their turn, courses’ attendees thanked their teachers and Irkutsk State University.

ISU Pedagogical Institute has already hosted 13 courses, with more than 700 school teachers of Russian language and literature from Mongolia having taken part.

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