Irkutsk State University organizes international summer schools, which are well-known both in Russia and abroad and play a big role in strengthening the position of ISU on the international arena. Irkutsk State University invites students and young scientists from all over the world. International students and lecturers come not only for education. Summer schools help participants to find new directions of their research and make new friends.
The International summer school of Polish language is organized on July 5 - 9 at the Baikal Biological station in Bolshie Koty village. It is arranged in cooperation with the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Irkutsk and ISU Polish language Centre. 25 participants will take part in this school. Maria Zemba (Swietochlowice School) and Edita Galat (Krakow Polytechnic Institute) will conduct lessons. The school program consists of classes, language games and popular-science lectures (devoted to urgent processes in modern Polish language and modern Polish Theatre).
The International summer school of computer and communication technologies «Sarma-2016» is organized by ISU Service and Advertising faculty from 5 to 11 of July. It is hosted at the study Centre of Service and Advertising faculty ISU in Sarma village. The main theme of the school is «Baikal. Communicative Geography». About 65 persons will take part in it, including students of ISU and University Savoie Mont Blank. Series of special courses and workshops are organized to develop skills to fix, transmit and transform visual information got as a result of visiting unique geographical places. The studying of cultural processes in local community and features of intercultural communication are in the focus of the school.
The 16th International Baikal Summer School on HEP and Astrophysics takes place in a picturesque village Bolshie Koty on the shores of lake Baikal from July 8th to 15th, 2016. The listeners are students from Irkutsk, Novosibirsk, Dubna, Zagreb and Munich. Famous scholars do lecturing and conduct practical lessons on a variery of topics: neutrino physics, LHC results, gravity, astrophysics, etc.