Isu - News - The Lake Baikal Three Messenger Conference The Lake Baikal Three Messenger Conference
The Lake Baikal Three Messenger Conference
29 June 2016

The Lake Baikal Three Messenger Conference will be held from 29 August 2016 to 03 September 2016 in village Listvyanka on the shore of Lake Baikal.

The conference is organized jointly by the Astroparticle Physics European Consortium (APPEC) and its transnational partner JINR (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research) in Dubna, the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences together with the Lomonosov State University in Moscow, and Irkutsk State University. APPEC is the all-European expert organization that defines the strategy of the development of research in the field of astroparticle physics.
The leading European scientists will take part in the conference.

The conference topics are identified by three main areas of astroparticle physics:

  • Cosmic and Gamma-rays
  • Ultrahigh-energy Neutrinos
  • Gravitational Waves

The conference format:

the plenary reports and scientific discussions in the format of "round table", where the prospects of research in the field of gamma and neutrino astronomy, cosmic ray physics, the search for dark matter and the physics of gravitational waves, including the investigations in Tunka valley and lake Baikal, will be discussed.

The conference program includes a tour to the largest in the world gamma-ray observatory TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray and Gamma Astronomy), located at the ISU site in Tunka valley, and a variety of cultural activities such as the visit to cultural and ethnographic museum "Taltsy" and walk cruises on lake Baikal.

The working language is English.

The upcoming conference will provide an opportunity for the community of physicists in Europe, Russia and around the world to coordinate efforts to solve the problems of modern astroparticle physics. Information obtained via astroparticle physics, will help scientists to determine the nature of the basic physical processes of the universe, and will be the start for a new stage in the development of research in TAIGA Gamma Ray Observatory and the Baikal Neutrino Observatory.

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