Isu - News - Startup Tour 2016 Startup Tour 2016
Startup Tour 2016
24 January 2016

Irkutsk State University invites students, post-graduate students, lecturers and professors to take part in the largest program Startup Tour 2016. The program is aimed at finding startup-teams working in hi-tech spheres. It is conducted by the Skolkovo Foundation.

The program starts in Irkutsk on February 1, then it will be launched in 11 Russian cities. In Irkutsk region the program is supported by the Irkutsk region government, Irkutsk city administration, Irkutsk State University and Irkutsk National Research Technical University.

The participants are to present their innovative projects in 5 higher-priority clusters: IT, energy efficient technologies, nuclear technologies, biomedical technologies, space technologies and telecommunications. The winners of the program will be invited to participate in the conference Startup Village and be awarded grants.

If your research project is at the initial stage and you are not sure that the project has become a serious one to be announced about, I would recommend you to submit your proposal to RST 2016 conference. In this case you will have consultations with leading Russian experts, they may advise you what steps are necessary for you to succeed, - Leonid Chernigov, the head of the ISU Center for Technologies Transfer comments on.