Isu - News - 12 Grants for ISU Researchers 12 Grants for ISU Researchers
12 Grants for ISU Researchers
13 January 2016

12 ISU researchers are announced to be winners in the grant program by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). The program “My first grant” started in 2012, and it is aimed to support basic scientific research projects conducted by young scientists and talented post-graduate students. The applicants are required to have at least one publication on research theme in a peer-reviewed journal approved by the State Commission for academic degrees or registered in Web of Science, Scopus, Web of Knowledge, Astrophysics, PubMed, Mathematics, Chemical Abstracts, Springer, Agris, GeoRef.

-Basic scientific research intensity is an essential factor influencing science advance in the country, and ISU scientists contribute to it. The grant support under “My first grant” program is of high importance for young researchers and PhD students as they have to compete with more experienced colleagues, - Alexander Schmidt, the vice-rector for science and international affairs comments on.

Our congratulations to the grant winners!