Isu - News - The Meeting with the City Mayor The Meeting with the City Mayor
The Meeting with the City Mayor
26 October 2015

Last week Dmitry Berdnikov, the mayor of Irkutsk city, had a special meeting with ISU students. The head of students’ social activities department Alexander Manzula and the leader of ISU students’ union Olesya Sivach moderated the discussion.

– I am always glad to be invited to such discussions. Young people are characterized with a high level of optimism that encourages us to believe that we are capable of making our life and the life of our city much better. The impulse we are giving to young people can influence the further development of our society, - Dmitry Berdnikov noted.

The students asked diverse questions and brought for discussion such issues as civil society development and environment protection, youth policy and its implementation in Irkutsk, brain drain and many others. Dmitry Berdnikov told about the functioning of the city administration, the city planning and the public transport development project. The students proposed forming a so-called coordination center that could be the platform for interaction between student unions and the city administration.

The discussion turned out to be interesting and thought-provoking.

– While studying at University you should be more active, read a lot, and strive for self-realization. Do not be afraid of moving ahead and making progress in volunteering, arts or public work. The crucial thing is to believe in yourself. Now you have your student days to enjoy. Through shaping your personality you are to form a new future for our community - Dmitry Berdnikov concluded.