Anna Tarbeeva, a third-year-student of ISU Law Institute, has become a winner in the All-Russian research paper contest on history, development and contemporary state of the bailiff’s service system in Russia and foreign countries. The competition was organized by the Federal Bailiffs’ Service in collaboration with the Russian Academy of Justice. The purpose of the contest is to actualize the problems that officers of justice face in Russia and other countries as well as popularization of science of law.
The jury - professors and lecturers of the Russian Academy of Justice, and officers of the Federal Bailiffs’ Service - considered over 200 research papers written by students and post-graduate students of Russian Universities. Anna Tarbeeva’s paper “The Legal Procedure of Crime Preliminary Investigation Conducted by Inquiry Agencies of the Federal Bailiffs’ Service” (scientific supervisors: associate professor V.Smirnov and senior lecturer A.Gavrilenko) was announced to be a winner in the nomination “Preliminary Investigation and Administrative Practice in the Federal Bailiffs’ Service”. The jury found that Tarbeeva’s research paper is of high practical relevance based on thorough analysis of activities taken by Irkutsk department of the Federal Bailiffs’ Service. Anna Tarbeeva is invited to take part in the Awards Ceremony that is to be held in Moscow on October 16th.
– Law Institute professors and lecturers helped me a lot, besides, I had much advice of the officers who work for the Irkutsk department of the Federal Bailiffs’ Service, – Anna Tarbeeva told. – My case study touched upon such a problem as child support debts.