Russian-Japanese educational program RJE3 Isu - Russian-Japanese educational program RJE3

Russian-Japanese educational program RJE3

rje3_logoProgram title: “East Russia–Japan Expert Education Program” (RJE3).
RJE3 Consortium: The membership includes a core of five universities in the Russian Far East and Eastern Siberia, several graduate schools of Hokkaido University, and representatives from local governments and industries in Hokkaido and the Russian Far East.

Member Universities:

  • Hokkaido University (Sapporo, Japan);
  • Irkutsk State University (Irkutsk);
  • Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok);
  • North-Eastern Federal University (Yakutsk);
  • Sakhalin State University (Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk);
  • Pacific National University (Khabarovsk).


Program Outlines:

Five-year-program (duration period: 2014 – 2019) is supported by the Ministry of education, sport and culture of Japan.

Objective: to train highly skilled specialists with multicultural understanding, as well as communication, planning/creative and leadership abilities that are capable of playing leading roles in environmental sustainability, culture and development in the Far East and the Arctic Circle.

Official language: English

Russian and Japanese experts deliver lectures at international workshops held at Russian and Japanese Universities under the program. ISU’s master and post-graduate students may submit their applications to the short-term (up to 2 weeks) and long-term (up to six months) visiting programs conducted at Hokkaido University if they specialize in archaeology, environment and soil studies, history, international relations, architecture and political studies. Hokkaido University covers the transfer (Irkutsk-Sapporo-Irkutsk) and accommodation expenses and provides Russian long-term students with a scholarship of 80 000 ¥ per a month.

Master and post-graduate students are invited to take part in the program. Eligibility criteria: candidates should perform high academic achievements, good command of English (level B1 required), and their research theme should correspond to one of 5 main thematic fields specified under the program (environmental assessment, cultural diversity, soil and productivity, regional resource development and disaster prevention management).


For the RJE3 Program, two levels of completion certificates are issued.

  1. Basic subject completion certificates: certificates issued by Hokkaido University to students who took basic subjects of the RJE3 Program and satisfy the standards for bestowing the certificates.
  2. RJE3 joint completion certificate: certificates jointly issued by the students’home universities and host universities to students who received 8 credits for the RJE3 Program, earned degrees at their graduate schools, and satisfy the standards for bestowing the certificates.

Events under the Program:

March 4 – 5, 2015 – international workshop at ISU

March 16 – 21, 2015 - international workshop “Basic Subjects” at Hokkaido University

June 4 – 5, 2015 – international workshop at ISU

Official site of the Program:

For more information about the program, please, contact the program manager at ISU:

Yulia V. Elokhina (tel.: 24-22-49, e-mail: