The Law Institute of Irkutsk State University Isu - The Law Institute of Irkutsk State University

The Law Institute of Irkutsk State University

Address: 10 Ulan-Batorskaya St., Irkutsk

Contacts: tel. +7 (3952) 52-11-91



The Law Institute of the Irkutsk State University is one of the oldest law schools in Russia and is the leader of legal education in Eastern Siberia. The history of the law institute at the Irkutsk State University dates back to 1918 - the year when the Irkutsk University was founded. At first it consisted of just two faculties: the Law Faculty and the History-Philology faculty.

Throughout its 90-year history, the Law Institute has educated thousands of experts in law who currently work in various government bodies, law-enforcement authorities, judicial bodies, advocacies, at customs, tax bodies, and in law firms.

Structural organization of the Law Institute.

The Law Institute includes three faculties:

  • Law faculty on budgetary basis;
  • Law faculty on commercial basis;
  • Faculty of International Law.

To make the teaching and learning process more interesting and successful many classes are held in specialized auditoria designed for interactive learning: the Courtroom, Auditorium of Roman Law, Museum of Criminology, the forensic testing ground, the Legal Clinic, and free-access Internet classrooms. In addition there are several places where the students can relax from studying: a two-storied cozy cafe, large sport facility, and several tennis courts.

The Institute's library is one of the largest libraries in Eastern Siberia: the stacks of special literature number over 300,000 volumes making this the largest collection east of the Urals.

The Faculty of International Law

The Faculty of International Law of the Law Institute of ISU trains specialists qualified in “Jurisprudence” with specialization in “International Law”.

Graduates of the International Law faculty can work both in domestic organizations engaged in economic activities as well as in foreign companies; they can be hired by government bodies involved in economic relations and activities with foreign countries, by customs, offices from abroad, consulates and by subsidiaries of international enterprises.

To provide a high-standard of education, two more departments have been included in the structure of the Institute: the Department of international and comparative law and the department of foreign languages. From the very first year of study, students are taught schooled on various aspects of international law such as the international arbitration process, international aspects of labor relations, foreign economic law, foreign criminal law, diplomatic and consular law. Another priority of the faculty is the study of foreign languages. Such languages as English, German, French and Chinese can be chosen for study by the students of the faculty of international law. The Chinese language is taught by visiting professors from universities in China. Students of this faculty also have athe opportunity to qualify as interpreters in the sphere of professional communication.




Full-time study
Period of study – 4 years




Civil Law;

Criminal Law;

State Law;


International Law



Full-time study
Period of study- 2 years




Contact Law;

State and Municipal Governmental Bodies in Russia: Law Regulation and Realization Practice;

General Theory for State Regulation of Public Relations;

Theory and Practice of Criminal Law Application;



  • Topical problems of lawmaking and law-enforcement activities in the Russian Federation. State regulation of ethno-confessional relations
  • Problems of regionalization and local self-governance
  • Practical problems of lawmaking and law-enforcement activities in private law
  • Practical issues of labour law and social law
  • Practical issues of juvenile crime. Peculiarities of juvenile criminal liability. Reintegration of juvenile offenders
  • History of criminal law of Ancient Russia
  • Law and political regimes
  • Practical problems of comparative private law
  • Judicial protection of the rights of citizens and organizations.