Faculty of Chemistry Isu - Faculty of Chemistry

Faculty of Chemistry

Address: 126 Lermontov St, Irkutsk
Contacts: tel. +7 (3952) 42-59-35
Website: chem.isu.ru
E-mail: dekanat@chem.isu.ru

The Faculty of Chemistry, one of the oldest faculties at ISU (80 years), is rich and glorious in its traditions; its academic schools are internationally recognized.

The faculty staff is highly qualified lecturers including 15 doctors of science and 21 associate professors. The faculty has close relations with the institutions of the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leading Russian and foreign scientific and educational institutions and large enterprises in the region.

The faculty has five departments:

  • Analytical Chemistry

trains students using classical and instrumental methods of chemical analysis of natural, industrial facilities and multi-component complex mixtures;

  • General and Inorganic Chemistry

trains inorganic chemists, experts in the field of hydrochemistry, bioinorganic chemistry, bioinorganic electrochemistry;

  • Organic Chemistry

provides training in both theoretical and applied organic chemistry. It trains specialists in the study of natural organic raw materials - oil, gas, coal and wood, as well as in the field of polymers and fine chemicals, demanded for innovative pharmaceutical industries;

  • Physical Methods of Analysis

trains specialists in the field of modern physical methods, required in science and in the production of high-tech products. The transformation of molecules using quantum chemistry is being studied in addition to the study of unusual valence states of transition metals;

  • Physical and Colloid Chemistry

trains specialists in the field of metal complex catalysis and nanotechnology, which is widely used in oil - and coal-chemical processes.

In its educational activities the faculty keeps in touch with other Russian universities, academic institutions, RAS, and business.




Full-time Study
Period of Study – 4 years




Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry;

Inorganic Chemistry and Chemistry of Coordination Compounds



Full-time Study
Period of Study – 2 years




Organic Chemistry;

Inorganic Chemistry;

Analytical Chemistry;

Physical Chemistry;

Chemistry of Environment, Chemical Expertise and Environmental Security



Chemistry of low oxidized transition metals complex compounds. Inorganic ion-exchangers based on tin phosphate. Bioinorganic electrochemistry applied to some health problems, and the creation of microbial fuel elements. Chemistry and Electrochemistry of natural bioactive compounds.