Admission Requirements Isu - Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements

Once you have decided to study at Irkutsk State University, please, complete the Admission Form and submit it to the International Office before June 1st (fall semester) or  October 1st(spring semester).

Documents required for applying for the Baikal Summer School: application in Chinese or application in English

Required Documents:

  1. copy of passport or other identity document;
  2. original state document of education (or its duly certified copy) or foreign document of education recognized equivalent in the Russian Federation (or its duly certified copy), if necessary, with the certificate of its equivalence or the original of duly legalized (if necessary) foreign document of education and its appendices (if provided by the state that issued the document of education);
  3. duly certified translation of foreign document of education and its appendices into Russian (if provided by the state that issued the document of education);
  4. 6 photos 3x4.
    All admission documents must be provided personally once you have arrived in Irkutsk.
    All translations into Russian should be made to the name specified in the visa.
  5. Consent of processing personal data

Admission of foreign nationals to Bachelor's Degree is carried out on the basis of entrance examinations:

  • foreign nationals righteous to enter at the expense of the Federal budget (Republic of Belarus, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Republic of Georgia) pass the Unified State Exam (ЕГЭ) in general subjects relevant to a direction of training (speciality);
  • if foreign nationals righteous to enter at the expense of the Federal budget have got secondary (complete) General education before January 1, 2009 or have got secondary vocational education but have not passed USE (ЕГЭ), they can take a computer-based test in general subjects relevant to a direction of training (speciality);
  • CIS nationals applying for fee-paying studies take the written test in general subjects relevant to a direction of training (speciality);
  • foreign nationals (non-CIS) apply for fee-paying studies on the basis of the Test of Russian as a Foreign Language Level 1.
  • If a foreign national have passed USE (ЕГЭ) in relevant general subjects in the current year, the University considers results of USE as results of entrance examination and free specified persons from taking entrance examinations in the form of computer or written tests.

Admission of foreign nationals to Master's Degree is carried out on the basis of:

  • Test of Russian as a Foreign Language and interdisciplinary test in speciality