Our graduates Isu - Our graduates

Our graduates

Bui ThuHa


ISU is my favorite University
I am a graduate of Irkutsk state University. I say this with pride every time I am at work when people (Ministers!) ask: How do you know Russian so well? Where did you learn Russian?
I studied at the faculty of Philology and journalism at ISU (now the Institute of Philology, foreign languages and media communication at ISU). All my compatriots who studied in Irkutsk told me that ISU is the oldest University in Irkutsk, where it is difficult to study. Because of this, I thought that people are not sociable; do not help there. In addition, it seemed the opposite: from the first day of my studies at the ISU, almost everyone supported me: teachers, employees in the international Department, in the hostel, friends in the group. All issues related to housing, benefits, education, etc., were quickly resolved with the help of friendly Russian people from the ISU.
For international students, the most difficult part is Russian grammar. After lessons with me sat 2-3 more girls. Together with me, they repeated the grammar, talked to me, so the language barrier removed. I stopped being shy and was already communicating freely with them. We exchanged cultural traditions, etc. We became good friends with the Russian girls in the group, and even now, when I am not in Russia, we often correspond, talking to each other about life and work.
I will remember my years of learning at ISU for the rest of my life. If I could go back to the time when I was 20 years old, I would repeat the path I have traveled, choosing the Russian language and Irkutsk state University for higher education. I can say with full confidence that this is one of the best universities in Russia. Highly qualified teachers and friendly people work here. I returned to my Homeland with a good knowledge of the Russian language, culture and history of Russia. Moreover, not only have I accumulated knowledge over the years of studying in Russia, I have learned to think and work hard.
Now I work in Vietnam, teaching Russian at Hanoi state University, at the faculty of Russian language and Russian culture. I also work as a translator. I translate Ministers and heads of departments of both countries during negotiations. I can say that the knowledge I gained at the ISU helped me quickly make my career.
I will devote my entire life to promoting the Russian language in Vietnam and promoting cooperation between the two countries of Vietnam and Russia. I often tell my students: “Come to study in Russia, Siberia, and Irkutsk state University. This is a place where you will spend your youth with great pleasure, where you will get a good education and find friends for life”.

Elnur Kushakov


Learning is a very interesting process that takes up most of your time and attention. In addition, it forms the future path of life, professional activity and affects the quality of life itself in the future. Therefore, it is very important to study where it is comfortable and where you can get the necessary professional training. That is why, I chose Irkutsk State University.
My favorite University had an active student life, regularly holding various creative events, conferences, and scientific weeks. Our University has its own press center and radio informs students about the educational process and various competitions, events, etc. Interesting sports and humorous competitions between faculties that contribute to better immersion in student life and help to show creative talents, and even find new friends.
During my studies, I went to Germany and Austria for exchange. …………………………………………....
My University has several well-renovated dormitories for those students who came from another city and other countries. They can live near the University itself in well-equipped rooms for the duration of their studies.
I believe that my choice of University was correct, and now I graduated from this University and work as an economist in the Analytical Department at the airline "Uzbekistan Airways".

Cho Eunmi

(Korea Republic)

"I made my dream come true at Irkutsk State University"
Hello. I am Eunmi Cho who worked in Irkutsk State University(ISU) during 2018 Fall semester as an instructor of Korean language.
Even though now I am back in Korea, always I miss my time when I was in Irkutsk, Russia. Working at ISU is one of my best experiences in my life.
As a graduate student who majors in teaching Korean language as a second language, ISU has the great place to apply it in real that I learned how to teach Korean language back in my graduate school. Also, it was so nice to work with my Russian professor Ekaterina Li and other teachers(Mariya, Ekaterina, and Marina) who are passionate and professional in teaching the language. They were always so supportive and inspiring for me to work as an instructor. Lastly, working at ISU gave me the chance to make my world broader than before. When I went to Russia to teach Korean language, it was my first time to visit to Russia. While I was in Irkutsk, I enjoyed every single moment to learn Russian language and try Russian culture.
At the end of my internship, I got my pride as a Korean instructor, my nice colleagues who are always touching with me, and Irkutsk as my second hometown.

Li Nannan


Hello everyone! My name is Li Nannan. I am a graduate of Irkutsk state University. Why did I choose Russian? Russian is another foreign language I decided to study when I was 17 years old, because when I was at school, I did meet with many beautiful poems by Russian poets. Moreover, why ISU, because it is the oldest and most famous University, and it is not far from lake Baikal. When I was studying at the preparatory faculty, the most difficult thing did not understand the Russian language. Here I want to thank my first teacher of Russian - Larisa Petrovna. As a mother, she helped me with patience both in life and in school. After graduation, I am engaged in foreign trade; of course, I communicate more with Russians. Now I'm still thinking about further studies - for postgraduate study, but I haven't decided yet. Life at ISU was fun, so I will always remember that time at the University.

Battelmen Batculuun


Irkutsk state University has a good reputation In Mongolia. It is valued for its high quality of education. Graduates of the University are in high demand in Mongolia, hold high state positions, successfully engage in business activities and conduct active research activities. These factors were key in choosing Irkutsk state University.
When I entered the first year of the faculty of History in the field of International relations, I was convinced that I had made the right choice, because the faculty had a very strong teaching staff, and most importantly, each teacher treated his work with great love and soul, which caused a great desire to learn and study.
At the University, I was able not only to develop my mind, but also my soul by engaging in creative and social activities. Thanks to this, my student years filled with meetings and conversations with many talented and active people, bright events and concerts, which I still, remember with a smile.
I am proud to say that during the four wonderful years I spent at the University, I received a decent education, opened myself from different sides, met great friends with whom we maintain close relations, met brilliant teachers, to whom you can always turn for advice and guidance.
A few months before I graduated from the University, I started receiving invitations to work in government agencies in Mongolia, as well as in private enterprises. Assessing my own knowledge and skills received in the University, took the best, but at the same time, most responsible offer to become Director of the mining company in Mongolia, which was invested from Israel, USA and England. For the past 4 years, I have successfully led the company thanks to the fact that Irkutsk state University gave me the necessary theoretical knowledge of international economic relations and practical skills for negotiating and communicating with people, so I Express my gratitude to my native University and my highly respected teachers.

Namdavaa Solongo


Hello! My name is Namdavaa Solongo. I am Mongolian. I want to thank you for inviting me to the interview.
About yourself: I finished school in 2013. I did not know Russian at that time, but I had a goal to study abroad on a budget. In school, I found information about the opportunity to study in Russia at the Russian center of science and culture in Utslan Bator. However, I had a huge goal - to learn a difficult but also interesting Russian language. In addition, I did it, passed the exam, and achieved my goal, which is to get a quota.
Why did you choose our University to study? It was in April 2014, and almost in August, I learned that I sent to Irkutsk state University. To be honest, at first I was not very happy, because I wanted to go to Moscow or to St. Petersburg. In addition, in 2014, in September, coming to Irkutsk, I realized that in fact the city of Irkutsk has many advantages. First, I studied at Irkutsk National Research Technical University for one year in a preparatory course, and then entered the Institute of social Sciences of Irkutsk state University in 2015, majoring in social work.
What gave you training? What was especially interesting and memorable? Our profession is necessary in various areas of our life. And each field has its own characteristics, and specialists have very strict requirements, so it seems only those who love this profession can work. In our field, a good specialist must have such qualities as humanism, care, and responsibility. It must be emotionally stable. He must have excellent communication and organizational skills. I can confidently say that during the learning we taught this all. It was difficult for a foreign student for the first 2 years, but people in ISU supported me and were always ready to help. During learning, students choose their area where they want to work, their category, and where they want to work with through practice. I personally chose unemployed young people. I wrote a diploma on this topic and now I am working on it.
About getting a job in Mongolia: I work at the career development center as a job search consultant, develop regional, municipal, and corporate social programs, and create social projects for young people and people with disabilities. After graduating from high school in August, I got a job where I wanted to work. My first task was to create a project for the international Bank to solve the problems of employment of young people and people with disabilities in Mongolia. I recently found out that the project I wrote was successful. This is all thanks to our home University. I want to say to the teachers from the bottom of my heart "many thanks" for what you are, for putting a lot of knowledge and effort into us, for never sparing your strength, emotions, time and care. Thank you for our upbringing and education. We wish you, our favorite people long years of successful teaching, inexhaustible enthusiasm and optimism, bright happiness in life and good miracles on the way.