Why ISU? Isu - Why ISU?

Why ISU?

Study at ISU gives one the opportunity to visit a multitude of tourist and cultural-ethnographic sites.

Study at ISU gives one the opportunity to visit a multitude of tourist and cultural-ethnographic sites.

Counted among them is the unique monument to architecture, the Circum-Baikal Railway (KBZhD), a transportation wonder of the world. The largest number of diverse historical sites of stone and wooden architecture from the 19th century, theatres, museums, and churches are concentrated in Irkutsk.

Setting itself apart from other historic buildings is the 19th century treasure known as the «White House», which currently serves as the ISU library. The university was founded in 1918 and was the first university in the entire oblast. The library contains 2.5 million items among which are many rare editions, famous throughout the world. Currently a new library is being built to house the ISU collection.


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