mission and objectives Isu - mission and objectives

mission and objectives

ISU’s mission:

  • to advance knowledge and train students in humanities, scientific and technological spheres for them
  • to be decent individuals in the region and country in the XXI century;
  • to preserve unique natural resources of Baikal Siberia;
  • to generate and put into practice new ideas;
  • to combine personal responsibility and integrity with intellectual involvement in and commitment to great deeds.

ISU’s Strategic Objectives:

  • Strengthening its leadership as the center for the integration of regional scientific and educational area and social consolidation of regional community taking into account human resources potential and unique natural resources of the region
  • Developing sustainable partnership with both Russian and international  institutions
  • Graduating students capable of adjusting to changing economic and social environment
  • Contributing to science and education integration: promoting the principle “education via science”;
  • Taking advantage of unique natural resources of the region, above alllakeBaikal, to advance interdisciplinary scientific and educational activities, international cooperation and innovation programs;
  • Developing links with Asian countries through diverse connections with scientific and educational intuitions ofJapan,Korea,Chinaand other countries;
  • Support educational, scientific and cultural mobility of lecturers and students.
  • Maintaining leading scientific schools and stations at ISU;
  • Shaping mechanisms of innovative development through institutional modernization and start-up project support;
  • Working out new educational programs to promote progressive thinking based on profound learning and principle “education via science”.