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ISU scientists participate in developing a new atlas
18 February
“Asian Russia. Siberia and the Far East”
ISU scientist calls for sensible compromises in amending the environmental protection legislation
17 February
ISU Law Institute associate professor Dmitry Shornikov spoke about amendments to the Federal Law “On the Protection of Lake Baikal”
Unique case of migration in the Early Neolithic
14 February
New research results from the Shamanka burial site obtained with the participation of ISU scientists
Hundred thousand years of isolation: the different Baikal crustaceans
14 January
Director of the Research Institute of Biology, Maxim Timofeev about the evolutionary strategies of different species of Baikal amphipod crustaceans
ISU scientist Evgeny Kremnev’s project received RSF grant
10 January
Study of Regional Specifics of Chinese Social Governance: New Methodological Approaches and Strategies
ISU scientists participate in developing a new atlas
18 February
“Asian Russia. Siberia and the Far East”
ISU scientist calls for sensible compromises in amending the environmental protection legislation
17 February
ISU Law Institute associate professor Dmitry Shornikov spoke about amendments to the Federal Law “On the Protection of Lake Baikal”
Unique case of migration in the Early Neolithic
14 February
New research results from the Shamanka burial site obtained with the participation of ISU scientists
Hundred thousand years of isolation: the different Baikal crustaceans
14 January
Director of the Research Institute of Biology, Maxim Timofeev about the evolutionary strategies of different species of Baikal amphipod crustaceans
ISU scientist Evgeny Kremnev’s project received RSF grant
10 January
Study of Regional Specifics of Chinese Social Governance: New Methodological Approaches and Strategies