Isu - all news all news


IIEL students on a study placement in Korea
18 March
University of Suwon and Pai Chai University
“My Siberian Diary”
7 March
A book by Han Seong Jin, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Irkutsk, has been published by ISU Publishing House.
ISU has entered Group D++ in the Artificial Intelligence Alliance Ranking
4 March
The first Russian ranking on the quality of training specialists in the field of AI
ISU: personnel for the region
3 March
Agreement on student internships between ISU and Irkutsk Oil Company
IIEL students on a study placement in Korea
18 March
University of Suwon and Pai Chai University
“My Siberian Diary”
7 March
A book by Han Seong Jin, Consul General of the Republic of Korea in Irkutsk, has been published by ISU Publishing House.
ISU has entered Group D++ in the Artificial Intelligence Alliance Ranking
4 March
The first Russian ranking on the quality of training specialists in the field of AI
ISU: personnel for the region
3 March
Agreement on student internships between ISU and Irkutsk Oil Company